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What to Expect

您的观察员申请将在收到您的申请后进行处理(有关所需文件,请参阅申请流程页面)。. 没有提交所有所需文件,你的申请将不予处理. 一旦我们获得所需的所有信息,我们将与您联系.

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Definition of "Observership"

According the Council on Medical Education, 观察被定义为“IMG在医生导师的指导下观察各种医疗保健环境中的临床实践并了解总体结构的结构化机会”, characteristics, and financing of health care delivery in the US." Therefore, 观察员没有直接的病人护理责任,但鼓励参加日常教学查房和病人护理的讨论.

Where to Report

具体的报告说明将包括在你的接受信件, 并将根据你安排参加的轮岗.

Identification Badges

用工资部发出的表格向工资部报告(申请非员工身份证), 并有相关部门的批准签名, 以及另一种附有照片的身份证明,以取得身份证章. 轮值结束后,将身份徽章交还观察员协调员. ID badges must be worn at all times.

Dress Code

观察员应穿着专业服装. T-shirts, cutoffs, open toe shoes etc. are not allowed. It is recommended that you wear comfortable shoes.


You are responsible for all parking costs. Parking passes must be obtained directly from the Parking Office, located in Room 1801, University Hospital

Lab Coats

在你的轮岗期间和在上州医科大学的场地上,你都需要穿一件实验室外套. 你自己负责提供实验服,我们不会为你提供.

Working Hours

Services vary with each specialty. 一旦批准,你的主治医师将提供你的具体工作时间.


赞助机构不提供餐费. You are responsible for all meals.



Cancellation Policy

Once your assignment has been confirmed via e-mail, 你应该完成这个轮转,因为我们将结束这个轮转给其他学习者. 虽然在紧急情况下可能需要取消, 如果我们至少提前30个日历天收到通知,我们将退还轮换支付的费用. 如果在轮换开始前不到30天取消,将不退款, or during the rotation itself. 如前所述,在任何情况下,$300申请费不予退还.

Termination Policy

如果观察员的表现危及患者的健康或表现无法实现教育体验的目标,SUNY上州医科大学保留随时终止观察员轮换的权利. If termination of rotation is warranted, 将按比例退还观察员轮调剩余时间的费用, however, the $300 application fee remains Non-Refundable.

Medical School Library

您的身份徽章将允许您以访客的身份进入 Medical School Library facilities.

Teaching Conferences


Absence During Your Rotation

Excused absences are limited to two days per rotation. If a problem arises, 请向观察项目协调员和督导医师申请批准. 无故缺勤可能导致轮岗终止和无法获得结业证书. 请参阅上述终止政策,了解在终止情况下所支付的款项的退款!


At the completion of the approved rotation, 观察员将获得一份证书,确认他们在纽约州立大学上州医科大学的参与情况和轮岗时间.

Prior to the completion of your rotation, 你还需要填写一份表格来评估你在这里的经历. 请填写此表格,并在离开前将其交还给观察员项目协调员. 这种反馈非常重要,因为它为我们提供了关于旋转的关键信息. 在你完成对你的经验的评估并交上你的身份证章之前,我们不会提供结业证书.

我们期待着你的到来,希望你的轮岗能给我们带来有益的教育. If you have any question, 请随时联系观察员项目协调员-我们将很乐意以任何方式为您提供帮助.

General Questions

If you have questions about your rotation, or if a problem arises, 请立即与观察员项目协调员联系, [email protected]

Information on the City of Syracuse, New York


位于纽约锡拉丘兹的纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学将招收任何种族的学生, color, religion, sex, age, national origins or ancestry, handicap, or status as a disabled or Vietnam veteran, to all rights, privileges, 项目和活动通常给予或提供给所有参与任何诊所教育项目的学生.

纽约州锡拉丘兹的纽约州立大学上州医科大学不会基于种族歧视, color, religion, sex, age, nation origins or ancestry, handicap, or status as a disabled or military veteran, in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, training programs, stipend awards and all other such administrated programs.

