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David Amberg
Research Interests:


Alaji Bah
Alaji Bah, PhD
Assistant Professor
Research Interests:

Elucidate the structure, 内在无序蛋白和蛋白区(IDPs/IDRs)的动力学和功能及其翻译后修饰的生物学调控.

Audrey Bernstein
Research Interests:

Fibrosis; Scarring; Protein degradation; ubiquitin; integrins; cytoskeleton; patient-derived model systems

Dimitra Bourboulia
Dimitra Bourboulia, PhD
Associate Professor
Research Interests:

  • 细胞外激酶信号
  • 细胞外伴侣功能 
  • 针对泌尿系统癌症的细胞外信号网络

Peter Calvert
Research Interests:

Molecular mechanisms of protein transport and localization in retinal neurons; mechanisms of retinal degenerative diseases

Xin Jie Chen
Xin Jie Chen, PhD
Distinguished Professor
Research Interests:


Michael Cosgrove
Research Interests:

染色质的表观遗传调控, Mixed Lineage Leukemia, Structural Biology, Enzymology, Biophysical Chemistry, Rational drug design

Thomas Duncan
Thomas Duncan, PhD
Associate Professor
Research Interests:

F-type ATP synthases; bioenergetics of pathogenic bacteria; enzymology; structural biology, membrane protein function.

Wenyi Feng
Wenyi Feng, PhD
Associate Professor
Research Interests:

染色体DNA复制起点(位置), timing and regulation), 复制分叉完整性和检查点规则, 酵母和人类基因组的基因组不稳定性和染色体脆弱性

Diana Gilligan
Diana Gilligan, MD/PhD
Associate Professor
Research Interests:


Steven Hanes
Steven Hanes, PhD
Research Scientist
Research Interests:

发育和疾病中的基因表达,RNA pol II调控,同源异构体基因,脯氨酸异构酶

Patricia Kane
Patricia Kane, PhD
Research Interests:

液泡H+ atp酶(结构), function, assembly and regulation), cellular pH homeostasis, cellular stress responses, protein sorting, genomics, yeast as a model system

William Kerr
Research Interests:

我的研究主要集中在确定SHIP1在免疫中的作用, obesity, 干细胞生物学和癌症. 本研究表明,SHIP1在调节造血干细胞和间充质干细胞稳态的信号通路中发挥着重要作用, (2)髓细胞终末分化, 急性骨髓移植排斥反应, (4) T细胞在小肠中的存活(5)血液病癌细胞的存活. 最近,我们开发了SHIP1和pan-SHIP1/2抑制剂,并证明它们可以在体内扩增干细胞, reverse obesity, 根除某些癌症,提高肿瘤免疫力. 我们还试图更好地了解LRBA在免疫细胞中的作用. LRBA是一种支架蛋白,通过受体信号协调细胞内囊泡运输.

Barry Knox
Barry Knox, PhD
Research Interests:


Bruce Knutson
Bruce Knutson, PhD
Associate Professor
Research Interests:

RNA聚合酶I转录(结构, assembly, regulation), nucleolar biology, 大分子结构, crosslinking, proteomics, bioinformatics, modeling, molecular genetics, biochemistry, model systems

Leszek Kotula
Leszek Kotula, MD/PhD
Associate Professor
Research Interests:

Cancer biology, cell signaling, 肌动蛋白细胞骨架在肿瘤进展中的作用, mouse models of cancer

Vladimir Kuznetsov
Research Interests:

Cancer systems biology, bioinformatics, 大数据和生存预测分析, 预测性和个性化医疗, 计算基因组和转录组生物学, non-B DNA structures, RNA:DNA hybrids, R-loops, G-quadruplexes, ncRNAs, 临床生物标志物的发现和验证

Stewart Loh
Research Interests:


Frank Middleton
Research Interests:

  • 神经和精神疾病的遗传、表观遗传和神经解剖学基础
  • 正常和疾病状态下的基底神经节和小脑回路
  • 神经免疫和肠道-大脑的相互作用
  • 生物标记物发现的机器学习方法
  • 下一代多组数据分析(基因组)测序, transcriptome, microbiome, methylome) 

Mehdi Mollapour
Research Interests:






Andras Perl
Andras Perl, MD, PhD
Distinguished Professor
Research Interests:

易引起自身免疫的基因和病毒, Genetics, Apoptosis, Endogenous Retroviruses, Transaldolase

Francesca Pignoni
Francesca Pignoni, PhD
Professor and Chair
Research Interests:

Neurogenesis; Retinal Progenitor Cells Specification and Proliferation; Genetic Control of Stem Cell Identity and Maintenance; Disease Genes Analysis in Drosophila

David Pruyne
David Pruyne, PhD
Associate Professor
Research Interests:

了解肌肉细胞如何将肌动蛋白骨架组织成有效的收缩单元, using a combination of in vitro 生物化学,以及培养肌肉细胞和遗传模型的分析 C. elegans and zebrafish.

Jessica Ridilla
Jessica Ridilla, PhD
Associate Professor
Research Interests:

  • 肌动蛋白丝聚合的调控
  • 肌动蛋白-微管串扰的机制
  • 肌动蛋白和微管在神经退行性疾病中的作用, 特别是肌萎缩性侧索硬化症(ALS).
  • 单分子超分辨显微技术(1).e. TIRF, STED, STORM).

Mark Schmitt
Research Interests:

Ribonucleoprotein assembly and biogenesis; mitochondrial RNA import, mRNA degradation, cell cycle control

Andrea Viczian
Andrea Viczian, PhD
Associate Professor
Research Interests:

Mammalian retinal stem cells formation; molecular mechanism of retinal cell fate decisions; vascular development in the CNS; using cell replacement therapy to heal the blinded eye.

Stephan Wilkens
Stephan Wilkens, PhD
Associate Professor
Research Interests:


Michael Zuber
Michael Zuber, PhD
Associate Professor
Research Interests:

The molecular basis of retinal stem cell formation; regulating retinal stem/progenitor cell proliferation; using retinal stem/progenitor cells to heal the injured or degenerating retina.
