
Options for 保密 Disclosing 性暴力

纽约州立大学和上州医科大学希望你得到所需的信息和支持,无论你是想向校园官员报案还是向警方报案. You may want to talk with someone about something you observed or experienced, even if you are not sure that the behavior constitutes sexual violence. A conversation where questions can be answered is far superior to keeping something to yourself. 机密性变化, 本文档旨在帮助您了解机密性如何适用于您可能使用的不同资源.


  • Privileged and Confidential Resources;
  • Non-Professional Counselors and Advocates;
  • 隐私与保密;
  • Requesting 机密性: How the College/University Will Weigh the Request and Respond;
  • Public Awareness/Advocacy Events;
  • Anonymous Disclosure; and
  • 机构犯罪报告.

Privileged and Confidential Resources:

这些人 保密 未经您的允许,资源不会向执法部门或大学官员报告犯罪, 除了极端情况, such as a health and/or safety emergency. At 上州医科大学, this includes:

Off-campus options to disclose sexual violence 秘密地 include (note that these outside options do not provide any information to the campus):

  • Off-campus counselors and advocates. 危机服务办公室通常会保密,除非你要求披露并签署同意或放弃表格. 有关机构保密政策的更多信息可直接从该机构获得.
    • 汤姆逊路6181号维拉住宅., Suite 100; 422-7273 (hotline); verahouse.org
    • 纽约州推荐最近最火的赌博软件急诊科是纽约州指定的安全项目,并有SANE(性侵犯护士审查员)服务.  联系 information:  Emergency Room (Downtown Campus), 750 East Adams Street; 883-5617; http://www.Upstate.edu/emergency/healthcare/safe.php
  • 校外医疗服务提供者

请注意,即使是通常能够保密的个人,也会受到法律的例外, 包括当一个人对他或她自己或他人构成威胁时,以及对虐待儿童的强制性报告.

Non-Professional Counselors and Advocates:

非专业的咨询师和律师也可以提供帮助,而不需要分享可以识别个人的信息.  At 上州医科大学, this includes members of the Student Affairs staff (http://www.Upstate.edu/currentstudents/support/index.php).  These individuals will report the nature, 日期, time, and general location of an incident to the 第九条 Coordinator, 但会与你协商确保未经同意不会泄露任何个人身份信息.  These individuals are not considered 保密 resources as discussed above.

隐私和. 机密性:

Even 上州医科大学 offices and employees who cannot guarantee 保密 将保持 隐私 尽最大可能. 提供给非保密资源的信息将仅在调查和/或寻求解决方案并通知第九条协调员或指定人员时才予以转发, who is responsible under the law for tracking patterns and spotting systemic issues. 上州医科大学 will limit the disclosure as much as possible, 即使第九条协调员认定保密请求不能得到尊重.

Requesting 机密性: How 上州医科大学 Will Weigh the Request and Respond:

如果你向北州医科大学负责回应或报告性暴力或性骚扰的员工披露事件, 但希望保密或不同意该机构发起调查的要求, the 第九条 Coordinator must weigh your request against our obligation to provide a safe, non-discriminatory environment for all members of our community, 包括你.  

我们会在学业上帮助你, 住房, 运输, 就业, and other reasonable and available accommodations regardless of your reporting choices. While reporting individuals may request accommodations through several college offices, 以下办公室可以作为协助实施这些措施的主要联络点:学生事务办公室, 韦斯科顿大厅1225号, 464-4816.  我们也可以采取积极的措施, such as training or awareness efforts, 以一般方式打击性暴力,但不指明你的身份或你所披露的情况.

We may seek consent from you prior to conducting an investigation. You may decline to consent to an investigation, 除非北州医科大学未能采取行动并不能充分减轻对您或北州医科大学社区其他成员的伤害风险,否则该决定将得到尊重. 履行您的请求可能会限制我们对被告进行有意义的调查和采取行动的能力. If we determine that an investigation is required, we will notify you and take immediate action as necessary to protect and assist you.

当你向负责回应或报告性暴力或性骚扰的人披露事件时, but wish to maintain 保密, 北州医科大学将考虑许多因素来决定是否不顾这一要求继续进行. These factors include, but are not limited to:

  • Whether the accused has a history of violent behavior or is a repeat offender;
  • Whether the incident represents escalation, such as a situation that previously involved sustained stalking,
  • The increased risk that the accused will commit additional acts of violence;
  • Whether the accused used a weapon or force;
  • Whether the reporting individual is a minor; and
  • Whether we possess other means to obtain evidence such as security footage, 报告是否揭示了特定地点或特定群体的犯罪模式.

If the 上州医科大学 determines that it must move forward with an investigation, 报告的个人或受害者/幸存者将被通知,北州医科大学将立即采取必要行动保护和援助他们.

Public Awareness/Advocacy Events:

If you disclose a situation through a public awareness event such as “Take Back the Night,烛光守夜, 抗议活动, 或其他公共事件, the 上州医科大学 is not obligated to begin an investigation.  上州医科大学可能会使用您提供的信息来告知需要进行额外的教育和预防工作.


性暴力的匿名举报可以拨打315-464-4000向上州医科大学警察局报案.  热线是提供危机干预、资源和转介服务,并非举报机制.  New York State Hotline for 性侵犯 and Domestic Violence: 1-800-942-6906.


发生在特定地理位置的特定犯罪的报告将以匿名方式列入《推荐最近最火的赌博软件》,该报告既不确定犯罪的具体情况,也不确定报告个人或受害者/幸存者的身份. 大学有义务对相关地区发生的对学生和员工构成严重或持续威胁的《推荐最近最火的赌博软件》犯罪及时发出警告(可能危及执法工作的情况除外,警告本身可能会识别报告的个人或受害者/幸存者)。. A reporting individual will never be identified in a timely warning. 

《推荐最近最火的赌博软件》(FERPA)允许机构在以下情况下与家长共享信息:(1)发生健康或安全紧急情况, or (2) when the student is a dependent on either parents’ prior year tax return.  未经报告个人的许可,北州医科大学不会与父母分享有关性暴力报告的信息.